Subproject 2: Implementation processes
The subproject “Implementation processes” analyzes existent processes, which have already been established in the automotive industry, regarding the safeguarding theme and prepares the actual testing, in the form of modified development processes. This leads to a newly extended process methodology.
The development of possible development and test processes represents the main focus. The role of the driver and the human-machine interaction must be particularly considered. For the integration of new processes into existing business processes, these will be so generally defined, that they should be integrated and used in already established processes, by partners.
The implementation processes must take into account the step-by-step procedure of the automotive development processes and be sufficiently flexible, in order to facilitate the future necessary research and development needs. Nevertheless, they must be sufficiently robust, for the application of functions in the context of a series development. This must take effect, among others, through the inclusion of feedback loops, respectively planes, with regard to the learning effects.
Necessary modifications to the development processes may depend on the level of the automation degree and the field of application for the vehicle in question. However, a common understanding of the procedure is an important step, before serial vehicles can be sold to clients. The implementation processes analyze the necessity of simulations on various levels. Furthermore, these methods must cover the entire spectrum, beginning with the usage of vehicles on test sites by authorized drivers, through the limited use outside test sites, in development vehicles by test engineers and use on public roads, up to the restriction-free usage. These considerations and arising methods can be converted into test catalogues and verified with testing instruments.